A label for artists, not for itself.


2030 Records is an independent Australian record label that puts artists first, providing emerging musicians and creatives the opportunity to own their masters, monetise their creativity and collaborate with industry professionals across a variety of genres. The label is entirely student-run, led by  Entertainment Management students and alumni across the Sydney and Melbourne campuses of The Australian Institute of Music (AIM) - the postcodes (2000 and 3000, respectively) of those two cities inspiring the 2030 moniker. 2030 Records is far more than just a label, serving as a launchpad for emerging artists from AIM ,to pursue a sustainable and long-term career in music. In partnership with leading music distribution company, Ditto Music, 2030 is connecting new artists with the world and unearthing hidden gems in Australia's music capitals. A label experience like no other, 2030 Records is redefining the future of the music industry - and putting #artistsfirst.

What We Offer

  • 100% ownership of your masters
  • Global digital distribution through Ditto Music 
  • Access to professional-grade studios
  • Optional in-house session musicians, engineers and producers
  • A unique, artist-friendly record deal, tailored to you
  • A small artist roster - so your project gets all the attention it deserves
  • Full label services - recording, distribution, marketing and PR